Enhance your daily life at home for more independence.

Find all our tips for maintaining your independence at home for longer.

Enhance your daily life at home for more independence.

Find all our tips for maintaining your independence at home for longer.

Un couple de sexagénaires qui utilisent une tablette et un ordinateur.

How technology is transforming the lives of elderly people?

The arrival of technology in our world has been a major change in our daily lives...

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Un couple de retraité qui réaménage sa maison.

5 tips to improve senior housing

From the age of 65, home accidents increase and pose a major health risk: 450,000 people fall...

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Une jeune femme qui aide une personne âgée à se relever.

What are the benefits of home care services for elderly individuals?

With the aging population, more and more elderly individuals are seeking solutions to maintain...

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Un couple serein qui médite.

How to choose a teleassistance solution?

Teleassistance is a technology that allows elderly individuals to stay in touch with caregivers...

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How to talk to your loved ones about teleassistance ?

The main desire as we age is to be able to stay at home...

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Customer satisfaction is our top priority.

Une jeune femme qui aide une personne âgée à se relever.

Quels sont les avantages des services à domiciles pour les personnes âgées ?

Avec le vieillissement de la population, de plus en plus de personnes âgées cherchent des solutions pour maintenir leur autonomie...

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Un couple de sexagénaires qui utilisent une tablette et un ordinateur.

Comment la technologie transforme la vie des personnes âgées ?

The arrival of technology in our world has been a major change in our daily lives...

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Un couple serein qui médite.

Comment choisir sa solution de téléassistance ?

Teleassistance is a technology that allows elderly individuals to stay in touch with caregivers...

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Un couple de retraité qui réaménage sa maison.

5 conseils pour améliorer son logement sénior. 

From the age of 65, home accidents increase and pose a major health risk: 450,000 people fall...

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