AI Sound Analysis
What we do ?
Sonaide uses artificial intelligence to analyze ambient sounds in homes, specifically designed to detect the early signs of loss of autonomy in elderly individuals. Our technological solutions capture and interpret everyday sounds to identify subtle changes in usual behaviors, enabling early intervention to maintain independence and improve quality of life.
why we do it ?
Our mission is to extend the autonomy of seniors by enabling them to live independently for as long as possible. Inspired by the personal challenges faced within our own families, Sonaide is committed to using technology to make a significant difference. We firmly believe that technology should serve to improve lives, especially those of the most vulnerable.
How we do it?
Thanks to a combination of cutting-edge artificial intelligence research and sophisticated acoustic analysis, we develop models that can discern subtle auditory cues. Our devices, equipped with sensitive sensors and powered by intelligent algorithms, are designed to operate discreetly and respectfully in the home environment. Data is processed locally to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal information.
For whom do we do it?
Sonaide is dedicated to individuals who wish to maintain their independence at home, as well as to their families and the healthcare professionals who support them. Our technology is also a valuable resource for home care aides and care organizations seeking innovative ways to monitor and support seniors remotely, while respecting their privacy and comfort.
De nombreux autres domaines d'applications
Santé & Bien-être
- Surveillance du sommeil : Des applications utilisent l'IA pour analyser les sons produits pendant le sommeil, détecter des troubles comme l'apnée du sommeil ou le ronflement, et fournir des recommandations pour améliorer la qualité du sommeil.
- Aides auditives intelligentes : Ces dispositifs utilisent l'IA pour filtrer le bruit ambiant et améliorer la qualité sonore pour les utilisateurs, en se concentrant sur la parole ou sur des sons spécifiques.
Sécurité & Ingénierie
- Détection des bruits anormaux : Les IA peuvent être entraînées à reconnaître des bruits spécifiques indiquant une activité suspecte ou dangereuse : des bris de verre, des cris d'alarme ou des coups de feu. Cela permet d'alerter les équipes de sécurité en conséquence.
- Surveillance des infrastructures critiques : L'IA peut surveiller le bruit ambiant autour des infrastructures sensibles (ponts, barrages, pipelines, fuites d'eau ou gaz) pour détecter des des défauts structurels ou des activités de sabotage.
Environnement & Écologie
- Surveillance de la biodiversité : L'IA analyse les enregistrements sonores pour surveiller la présence et la diversité des espèces animales dans un écosystème, aidant à la recherche écologique et à la conservation des espèces en voix de disparition.
- Détection de la pollution sonore : Des systèmes d'IA sont utilisés pour identifier et cartographier les sources de bruit excessif dans les zones urbaines, guidant les efforts pour réduire la pollution sonore.
Quelques dates clefs
- Lancement en France
- Prix Tech For Future
- Nicolas et Simon co-fondent Sonaide.
Flore Group entre au capital.
- Prix La Fabrique Abeille
- Prix CARSAT Bretagne
- Prix Innovation Présence Verte.
- Prototypage et analyse marché
Recherche académique (INRIA)
- Détection des sons ambiants à domicile.
- Collaboration mondiale (AudioAnalytic, Google, Adobe, CMU, JKU)
Our Team
Nicolas Turpault
Nicolas, co-founder of Sonaide, combines an exceptionally rich background with a dual degree in technology and business management. He holds a PhD in deep learning, specializing in ambient sound recognition in real-world environments, as well as a master’s degree in business management. Together with Simon, he co-develops the first artificial intelligence designed for the general public in the silver economy sector.
Simon Pageaud
Simon, co-founder of Sonaide and a PhD in computer science, dedicated the early years of his professional career to research in artificial intelligence applied to medical and social fields. As the Director of R&D at Sonaide, he drives our technology forward. With a rigorous and analytical approach, he applies his expertise to developing ambient sound recognition algorithms to support our seniors in staying at home.
Pauline Turpault
Pauline is our Data and Artificial Intelligence Engineer. She is responsible for collecting, sorting, preparing, and automating audio data, a task she performs with passion. Smiling and dynamic, Pauline is an essential part of our team. maîtresse de notre équipe. Sans son expertise, notre IA ne pourrait garantir des résultats fiables !
Pierre-Amaury Grumiaux
Pierre-Amaury joins the team as an audio analysis specialist. With a PhD in computer science specializing in audio source separation, he brings deep expertise in mathematics, computer science, and signal processing. His creative profile, enriched by significant experience in music and audio production, enhances our ability to develop even more robust and innovative AI algorithms and technologies.
Guillaume Girard
Our integration specialist possesses diverse expertise that allows him to effectively navigate between artificial intelligence and related technologies to bring our solution to life. He is also responsible for developing the platform for processing and analyzing the collected data.
Antoine Ollivier
With a decade of experience in industrial entrepreneurship, Antoine brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team. He joins us to provide support in marketing and business development. His extensive experience is a valuable asset in navigating market challenges and maximizing our business opportunities.